Hello, Beautiful People of The Jollylook Community!

Thank you for backing Jollylook!

Straight to the news:

During October we assembled and installed equipment, arranged lighting, heating, and pneumatic lines, we already installed the conveyor and four pneumatic presses, one of which has a heated plate.

We continue the selection and training of personnel - we now have nine assemblers who have completed the internship and a quality controller.

We chose and tested the necessary materials of Ukrainian production: Cardboard, binding material, and good quality glue. We ordered the cutting dies according to the updated design and in the near future, we will receive cardboard semimanufactures for Jollylook camera bodies and bellows. Ukrainian contractors have made the packaging, the quality of which is good.

We are now using a small number of components that were delivered by air. While we continue to assemble cardboard parts for the camera body, we are dismantling some of the defective cameras that were made in China - we decided not to use the cardboard elements that were made in China, because of their low quality. We will only be using the parts for the development units.

Most of the cameras and the rest of the components made in China are coming in a shipping container and are expected to arrive in Odessa, Ukraine on November 21st. Then it will take about a week for customs clearance and delivery to our factory.

We can't wait for the parts to arrive and we check the location of the vessel carrying the container every day. It is now in the East Mediterranean.

Starting the manufacturing in Ukraine, we very carefully plan the costs, since now we are also responsible for the people we hired.

This is how our Ukrainian factory starts. You can be confident in our perseverance and the ability to bring the Jollylook project to implementation and fulfill our obligations. Now, when we fully control the production, everything is going according to plan.

We thank you ALL once again for your patience and understanding and massive support, we can't wait to send you your Ukrainian made Jollylook cameras.

We will keep you updated on our progress.


Until next time,

The Jollylook team.
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