Hello, Beautiful People of The Jollylook Community!
Thank you for backing Jollylook!
2019 was a difficult year for our team, it was a year of the fight for survival and reputation. The result is still unknown - we didn't win that fight yet, and we didn't lose it either, but we managed t ship 65% of the rewards and continue selling and shipping.
We want to thank you for being with us from day one. We say Thank you for everything, for the love, and for the hate, for the support, the understanding, and misunderstanding, for your emotions and your thoughts.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Our plan for 2020 is to continue to work very hard to fulfill our obligations and to ship all the remaining rewards, All of you will receive your rewards! We also plan to launch two new automatic cameras, and we will share detailed info about them in the first update of 2020.
Without you, this project would not be possible, and because of you, it is still going on and will succeed.
We will keep you updated on our progress.
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year.
Until next year,
The Jollylook team.