WOW, What a fantastic start!
When we pressed the launch button today, we had no idea we will get 100% funded in 6 hours!!!, and with 21 days to go, we are really excited about the prospect of reaching our stretch goal and building a Jollylook Auto Square!
This is All because of You!
Thank You for every pledge, message, post, share, and tweet! We especially want to thank all of the returning Jollylook backers for their continued support for our new project.
Because of your massive support, our project received a "Project we Love" rating from the Kickstarter team and we are now in the top 3 projects in product design on Kickstarter!

Today, Jollylook auto was featured on:

Stretch goals:
Until now, we had one stretch goal planned, the Jollylook Auto Square Camera will be available at $150K. But we all know that everybody loves stretch goals and decided to add two new smaller stretch goals at 50K and 100K. Please share your thought with us on what they should be, we will announce our new stretch goal options in an update tomorrow, and You will be able to help us choose what stretch goal to come first!
We are working hard to make sure you will absolutely love your Jollylook Auto!
We once again Thank You.
Without you, this project would not be possible, and because of you, it will succeed.
Until next time,
The Jollylook team.