Hello to All the Beautiful People of our Big Jollylook Community!
We hope you and your families are all well during these difficult and unexpected times.
The past eight months have been an incredibly challenging period for companies and individuals all around the world. We have seen massive impacts on the way that we work and live and naturally, this has had a significant effect on the Jollylook business.
The reality of COVID-19 has meant that we have had to reconsider the way that we manufacture our product, as the restrictions significantly affect the ability of our small company to operate as we had planned. Additionally, the delays caused by lockdowns have affected costs considerably with the result that we needed to fully reassess our business plan if we were to be able to fulfill our obligations under the Kickstarter.
As a result, we have entered into an arrangement with a well known Kyiv based manufacturer of wooden toys and games. While outsourcing production was not our preferred option, it was necessary to ensure that the project remained viable. We have also outsourced the production of the electronic componentry within the camera to a reputable Chinese manufacturer.

This cost-saving was vital in ensuring the continuation of the project. The combination of variable COVID-19 restrictions and the outsourcing of production means that we cannot determine with certainty the expected date that cameras under the Jollylook Auto Kickstarter will start to ship. However, at this stage, we anticipate having the first cameras complete production by the end of June 2021 with shipping to commence progressively thereafter as cameras are completed.
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has affected all of us in different ways, and in this respect co-founder Oleg Khalip has reassessed his priorities and has chosen to focus his design efforts and priorities in another direction. We all thank Oleg for his amazing contribution to this project and his incredible design for the Jollylook Auto camera. He will be missed, but his departure has no effect on the Kickstarter, as the design is now finalized and we are moving to the production phase.
So in summary here is the current situation. The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic has been significant, impacting not only the anticipated times for final delivery and the costs associated with the project, but flow-on effects of these factors have meant that we’ve had to completely reassess our entire proposed manufacturing process.
It would be very easy, like many businesses in Europe, to simply pull the pin and go out of business as a victim of the pandemic. We have not and we will not do that.
We are committed to the success of Jollylook Auto and to our faithful backers. Production costs will be very tight and this will mean that in some cases we will have to make decisions that will delay the final delivery of the camera in order to finish it at all. That said, with the decisions we’ve made with respect to outsourcing production we have put ourselves in the best place to finalize the production and deliver the product within our remaining budget.
We recognize that over the last eight months our communication with backers has been very poor. We know that this has to improve significantly and will undertake from this point to provide a regular monthly update, no matter whether the news is good or bad. We acknowledge that as our original investors you all deserve to understand exactly what is happening and the difficulties and challenges that we are facing. Hopefully, this focus on transparency will provide you with some reassurance that we are doing everything within our power to deliver on our promises.
Thanks once again for your continuing support, without you, this project would not be possible, and because of you, it will succeed.
Please stay healthy and be safe.
Until next time,
The Jollylook team.